Referral Form for Medical Providers
As a convenience for medical providers ordering speech therapy, TheraVolve Wellness Co. provides a referral form. It is required that the form specify: voice, swallow, or speech therapy evaluation and treatment with diagnosis, together with CPT Evaluation and Treatment Codes (below).
Please include any additional relevant medical records that will assist us in completing a comprehensive assessment so that we may prepare a recommended plan of care for review and approval by the prescribing physician/medical provider. Patient treatment will begin after physician approval has been received.
Relevant Evaluation & CPT Codes
CPT 92524 | Behavioral and Qualitative Analysis of Voice and Resonance
CPT 92610 | Clinical Swallow Evaluation 92610
CPT 97129 & 97130 Each 15 minutes| Development of cognitive skills to improve attention, memory, problem solving, direct one-on-one patient contact by the provider
CPT 92522 | Evaluation of speech sound production (i.e., articulation, dysarthria)
CPT 92523 | Evaluation of speech sound production (e.g., articulation, dysarthria, expressive and receptive language)
CPT 92520 | Laryngeal Function Studies (Acoustic assessment)
CPT 92507 | Speech Therapy
CPT 92526 | Swallowing Therapy
CPT 96125 | Standard Cognitive Performance Testing